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Recognizing the enormity of the challenges our society faces, ZARIYA is dedicated to making a lasting impact through our campaigns and programs. Learn more about our initiatives and get involved with us.



Making a Difference

Poverty is spread all over the world but it is very much worse in some particular areas such that people are not even able to earn enough to get one meal a day. This situation is what we kept in mind when ZARIYA went on a food donation drive on the festival of Diwali. 

 We distributed 1Kg of flour and 1Kg of rice to each family member in some slum areas in Ghaziabad. What motivated us to keep this work going is the happiness on faces of these people. "Giving is the best gift of all" is what we learnt. The cheerfulness that illuminated their precious faces was not a lie.



Doing What’s Needed

Even after promotion of sanitary napkins in such a great amount, only 36% of women use pads during menstrual cycle. Research shows that most of the cases for women being admitted to the hospital are caused due to neglecting personal hygiene especially in those crucial days. We thought of taking an initiative to resolve this problem.  Team Zariya met with 10 women between the ages of 20 and 55, talked to them regarding the struggles during their cycle and what they told us, shook our minds. What we thought of as a basic necessity since the start of our womanhood is what they have never even known about. When asked about their reasons for not using pads, one told members of Team Zariya that she could make do with cloth. Pads seemed like an unnecessary expenditure. A few said they simply cannot afford them. When asked about their preference afterwards, all chose pads. These 10 women have been chosen whom Zariya will provide the necessary menstruational products needed every two months. Taking precautionary measures to safeguard ourselves and others, team members have decided to provide these women with enough pads which will last at least 2 months. We, genzers, are trying our level best to see the change, so let's take baby steps to bring the change together



Tackling the Issue

Lockdown implied because the pandemic became a barrier for our field work but 'where there is will there is a way'. Team ZARIYA started online initiatives to keep doing the work in full flow.

Apart from raising awareness about COVID safety measures, sharing leads and talking about COVID-induced anxiety issues, we started a few online awareness programs. The 'talk and taboo' initiative aimed to normalize period talk. Men took a step to do the bare minimum- NORMALISE PERIOD TALK. 

Another one of our online initiative was about body positivity.

We started an online awareness campaign keeping in view the BODY SHAMING issues that our society faces. We decided to raise awareness about body positivity, body shaming- gender inclusive, creating a healthy body image. 




Tackling the Issue

As much as humans have been shaken by this pandemic, animals have also been impacted, especially the stray ones. Life of those little innocent creatures have never been easy, living on roads, not being able to find food and endless number of chances to meet accidents.
We can not find homes for all of them but at least we can be nice to them and feed them. To avoid struggles of few such stray animals, ZARIYA took an initiative to feed as many of them as possible.
We went on a drive to different localities where we found many stray dogs whom we fed and patted. 
Even families turn against each other, but you can always rely on animals, feed them once and they will always love you. All they want is a little care and love. Our team has a soft corner for our stray friends and we look forward to conducting many more food drives for the furry friends in near future.

What we do: Programs
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